Ship's Time: 0600H
Date: Dec 15
Position: 26º 23.24' S 156º 38.34' E
Course: 245ºM
Speed: 7Kts
Wind: 13kts E
Distance Last 24hrs: 180nm
Distance to Brisbane: 160nm (Distance to entrance of Moreton Bay. 40
more miles to customs docks)
ETA: Weds Dec 16th, 0600 (our intended target)
Wind lightened and backed overnight so we didn't make great time. This
morning it is dead astern and light, so we're motoring with the main
up (which is doing nothing but slatting around...).
Things are still pretty uneventful. No traffic spotted yet.
Sea is becoming a little rougher and a lot more confused, so we're
rocking and rolling a bit.
We expect tonight to be tough because of all the traffic. We may need
to put the other engine on today to keep to our timetable. It will
take us about 6 hours to get from Cape Moreton to the Customs Dock,
and we want to get there early enough to avoid overtime fees. Did I
already say all of this in a previous email?
Thanks to our friends the Smiths, Patrick has given me a shortcut that
avoids a very lengthy tour around the banks in Moreton Bay, shaving at
least 3 hours off our trip.
That is all.