Date: Dec 14
Position: 25º 51.7' S 158º 14' E
Course: 242ºM
Speed: 8.8Kts
Wind: 16kts ESE
Distance Last 24hrs: 185nm
Distance to Brisbane: 271nm (Distance to entrance of Moreton Bay. 40
more miles to customs docks)
ETA: Weds Dec 16th, 0530am (our intended target)
Motored all morning and then the wind picked up around 1500 this
afternoon. We're starting to have to put the brakes on a little bit,
otherwise we will arrive in the dark. We have a full main up and the
genoa is reefed in to cut our speed down.
Sea was relatively calm today. Austin was more seasick than me, for
once! We went through a big squall but only got a few drops of rain.
No traffic sighted so far on the trip, but we expect tomorrow night to
be very busy as we approach Brisbane.
Everything is going well, but we are anxious to arrive.
That is all.