Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Big Crossing Begins

>>NOTE: Please do not send OCEALYS email for the next 25 days. We are relying on email for critical weather and safety communications<<

Hello all. Today we leave Mexico to cross the Pacific to the Marquesas Islands. It's 2900 miles and 20 or so days at sea. It is the longest crossing we will be doing on this whole trip.

Austin (known as Awesome Austin on board) joined us a couple of weeks ago in LaPaz to help us get the boat ready and make the crossing to the Marquesas. He's got a ton of racing experience and will surely help us get an extra knot or so out of the boat (which would mean shaving several days off the crossing). So far it's been wonderful having him aboard. He's great with the kids and is always jumping in to help on the boat before we even ask.
We even had a couple of days of proper "cruising" on the way down from LaPaz, and caught a Sierra with which Austin made a wonderful dinner.

We will likely make a short stop at Isla Socorro, 250 miles South of Cabo San Lucas. It will allow us to rest up a bit, have a decent meal and do some fishing.

We will try to send occasional updates via satcom while we're at sea.

- Maurice and the Crew aboard OCÉALYS

23º03N, 109º40W

Et maintenant en francais:

Voila, nous partons aujourd'hui du Mexique pour la grande traversee de l'Ocean Pacifique!
Apres 2900 miles et 20-25 jours, nous arriverons aux Marquises. La vraie aventure commence!

Nous avons embarque Austin notre equipier a La Paz. Il est super et nous sommes vraiment tres content de l'avoir a bord pour cette grande etape.

Nous posterons des nouvelles de temps en temps sur le blog. Check it out.

Grosses bises et a tres bientot!
Sophie et l'equipage d'Ocealys
23º03N, 109º40W