Steering for Waypoint "Amedee"
Distance to Waypoint:706 miles
Eta: May 28th
Course: 316º M
Speed: 7kts
Not much wind since we left 24 hours ago. Wind is over the stern, but
shifty in direction and force. We've had one engine on the whole time.
1/2 the night with no sails, so we're off to a slow start. So much for
a 4 day passage. Now hoping for less than 6 days, but not sure of it.
Didn't think fuel would be an issue, but obviously now we're
conserving, turning one motor at 2000.
Rudders are not staying aligned. Issue is particularly bad when
running just the stbd engine. They go way out of alignment in a few
hours. Under sail or port engine, problem isn't so bad. Suspect
leaking bypass valve on stbd side. No external leaks. We bled the
system before leaving Opua. Not a serious issue at this time.
Very dark last night. Sophie hit by flying fish on watch.
Will try to send update tomorrow same time, although not a lot going
on here, just hoping for wind to pick up to the promised 20kts.
That is all.