Steering for Waypoint "Amedee"
Distance to Waypoint:201 miles
Eta: May 28th
Course: 312º M
Speed: 7.5kts
Wind direction: S
Wind died during the night. As far as I am concerned, I had a great
watch - mine starts at 6:30pm and ends at 10:30pm: wind was still up
to 30knts and Ocealys was Happy! and for the first time since we left
I wasn't freezing cold. Also, the sky was beautiful and full of stars.
Compared to the previous night that was very cold and pitch dark, that
was a treat.
So, we are motor-sailing right now to make sure we arrive tomorrow. We
are all excited to see Noumea and to be in T-shirt again! We'll send
an email when we arrive at Amedee.
See you sson,