Date: Dec 12
Position: 22º 19.53' S 166º 19.1' E
Course: --
Speed: --
Wind: 10kts ESE
Distance Last 24hrs: --
Distance to Brisbane: 802nm
ETA: Weds Dec 16th, Afternoon
We are anchored at L'arégnère Island near the Passe de Dumbéa and we
are nearly ready to leave for Brisbane. Winds are forecast as
favorable for the first 2 days and then are supposed to weaken.
Austin and I will be leaving right after breakfast. There is a nice
panettone waiting on the counter.
So far it's a beautiful dawn and the wind is starting to pick up
already. We're expecting 25kts over the port quarter all day today, so
we should be making good time.
That is all.